Dan and Pat's 50th Birthday Celebration



Ally Ally Smiling Cake Cake 2 Cake 3
Ally.jpg Ally Smiling.jpg Cake.jpg Cake 2.jpg Cake 3.jpg
Cathy Cathy Janice Cathy Janice 2 Dan on the phone Dan Path Edith
Cathy.jpg Cathy Janice.jpg Cathy Janice 2.jpg Dan on the phone... Dan Path Edith.jpg
Dan viewing book Dan, Pat, Edith 1 Dan, Pat, Edith 2 Dan's book Dan's book 2
Dan viewing book... Dan, Pat, Edith ... Dan, Pat, Edith ... Dan's book.jpg Dan's book 2.jpg
Dan's Motorcycle Dan's Present Dinner1 Dinner2 Dinner3
Dan's Motorcycle... Dan's Present.jpg Dinner1.jpg Dinner2.jpg Dinner3.jpg
Dinner4 Edith on the phone Edith Roll Hunting Edith watching Pat Examing Gifts
Dinner4.jpg Edith on the pho... Edith Roll Hunti... Edith watching P... Examing Gifts.jpg
Getting Late Guitar Back 1a Guitar1 Guitar1b Guitar1c
Getting Late.jpg Guitar Back 1a.jpg Guitar1.jpg Guitar1b.jpg Guitar1c.jpg
Guitar1d Janice and Mark Lounging Mark Dan Guitars Mark reading
Guitar1d.jpg Janice and Mark.jpg Lounging.jpg Mark Dan Guitars... Mark reading.jpg
Mark, Cathy Onlookers Opening the Books Pat and Cathy Pat and Edith
Mark, Cathy.jpg Onlookers.jpg Opening the Book... Pat and Cathy.jpg Pat and Edith.jpg
Pat B Pat BBQ Pat Mark Dan Pat Mark Dan 2 Pat Mark Dan 3
Pat B.jpg Pat BBQ.jpg Pat Mark Dan.jpg Pat Mark Dan 2.jpg Pat Mark Dan 3.jpg
Pat Opening Pat viewing book Pat, Dan, Cathy PatB Slicing Pat's book
Pat Opening.jpg Pat viewing book... Pat, Dan, Cathy.jpg PatB Slicing.jpg Pat's book.jpg
Pat's Motorcycle Pat's Present Photo Shoot Prep Playing cards Small Group
Pat's Motorcycle... Pat's Present.jpg Photo Shoot Prep... Playing cards.jpg Small Group.jpg
Tut Tut Curled Up Tut on Ally Tut2 Up the hill - Ally
Tut.jpg Tut Curled Up.jpg Tut on Ally.jpg Tut2.jpg Up the hill - Al...
Up the hill - Ally, Janice Up the hill - Group Up the hill - Mark
Up the hill - Al... Up the hill - Gr... Up the hill - Ma...