Johnny and Shelly's Wedding

Mary and Joe
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At the table Best Man Toast Beth and Mary Beth and Pat Bouquet1 Bouquet2
At the table.jpg Best Man Toast.jpg Beth and Mary.jpg Beth and Pat.jpg Bouquet1.jpg Bouquet2.jpg
Bouquet3 Ceremony1 Ceremony2 Christie and Roman Cutting the Cake1 Cutting the Cake2
Bouquet3.jpg Ceremony1.jpg Ceremony2.jpg Christie and Rom... Cutting the Cake... Cutting the Cake...
Cutting the Cake3 Edith and Mark Fathers Dance First Dance First Dance2 Flower Girl
Cutting the Cake... Edith and Mark.jpg Fathers Dance.jpg First Dance.jpg First Dance2.jpg Flower Girl.jpg
Friends1 Garter Great Aunt Janice and Pat Joey and Mary Joey and the other Mary
Friends1.jpg Garter.jpg Great Aunt.jpg Janice and Pat.jpg Joey and Mary.jpg Joey and the oth...
Johnny, Beth, and Cousin Johny and Pat Lily and Friend Lily, Beth, and Edith Making an Entrance Mary, Edith, and Pat
Johnny, Beth, an... Johny and Pat.jpg Lily and Friend.jpg Lily, Beth, and ... Making an Entran... Mary, Edith, and...
Matt2 Milling About Mom and Friends Mother and Daughter Nick and Lily Posing - Ally
Matt2.jpg Milling About.jpg Mom and Friends.jpg Mother and Daugh... Nick and Lily.jpg Posing - Ally.jpg
Posing - Christie Posing - Nick Posing - Roman Proud Parents Roman and Christie The Girls
Posing - Christi... Posing - Nick.jpg Posing - Roman.jpg Proud Parents.jpg Roman and Christ... The Girls.jpg
The Happy Couple The Reception Warming Up Wet Feet1 Wet Feet2 Wet Feet3
The Happy Couple... The Reception.jpg Warming Up.jpg Wet Feet1.jpg Wet Feet2.jpg Wet Feet3.jpg