January 2002
The Kenney family gathered once again from far and wide to celebrate the New Years at Edith's. Check out the gallery. As with all the pictures on this site, these are lower quality than the originals to speed up downloads. If you'd like a full quality original please send me email.
February 2002
Mary and some friends made a trip to one of her favorite places - Yosemite. Here are some of the pictures she took.
March 2002
April 2002
Click here to see a few pictures of a hike in Coyote Valley.
May 2002
June 2002
July 2002
Our annual 4th of July Potluck BBQ was a lot of fun this year and we actually remembered to take some pictures this time. Tkae a look and see if you can pick yourself out. If you'd like one of the pictures, send me email and I'll get you a higher quality version.
August 2002
There was a big occassion this month - Nonna's 90th Birthday. We all went out for brunch to celebrate and I forgot my camera. Fortunately, Domenic Merlino remembered his and sent me a copy of his pictures. Here are a few of them. There are more, so if you want to see them, just let me know.
September 2002
We had a great visit this month from Inge, Angelika, and Sonja. It actually began at the end of last month. The visit included a trip to southern California (theme park heaven), the opera, and various other points of interest. Here are a few of the pictures that we took along the way. One of them was taken by an automated camera at Disneyland as we got soaked on Spash Mountain.
October 2002
November 2002
December 2002
Once again we held our neighborhood holiday party and once again we almost completely forgot to take pictures. We did take a few which you can find here. We spent Christmas with Edith and Dan this year and actually got to see some snow on Christmas day. We went to Kings Canyon National Park on Christmas morning and had a great breakfast and a walk through the giant sequoias. Pictures of our visit are here.